Friday, July 23, 2010

Election Connection 2010

By Amy Stear

9to5 members are preparing to elevate, educate and agitate around our issues in this year's elections. We do this by sharing our vision of a fair and equitable workplace that supports our ability to care for our families. Paid sick days, expanded family medical leave rights to attend our children's school conferences and job-protected leaves are all very important issues to us.

We talk with people in our community about the importance of ending discrimination in the workplace and ensuring all workers are treated equally and receive equal protection under the law. We share our commitment to achieve pay equity since currently women earn only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes.

We publicize the stories of the most vulnerable families struggling to move out of poverty as we call for access to family-supporting jobs, expanded work supports including affordable health care, child care and the maintenance of safety net programs like food share and unemployment insurance.

This is what we value at 9to5 and we vote our values. We know one of the best ways to make meaningful change is to make our voices heard with decision-makers, policy-makers and candidates of all types over the next several months. In the next few months we will be participating in candidate forums around the city. This is a great opportunity to ask questions, share our position on our important issues and find out who supports what we value.

The first Candidate Forum will take place Thursday, August 10th at Centennial Hall (
733 North 8th Street, Milwaukee).

For more information visit

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