Thursday, September 2, 2010
We stay till the job is done! Paid Sick Days Ordinance in Supreme Court 10.1.10
On behalf of the staff, interns and board of 9to5 Milwaukee we would like to extend a warm THANK YOU to everyone that showed up for our Women’s Equality Day Speak Out Rally at City Hall on August 26, 2010! Our turn out was astounding, over 100 people present in support of the Healthy Families Act (H.R. 2460, S 1152) and to rally around our 2008 victory at the polls for Paid Sick Days Coalition. We the people showed up and sent a clear message: that we are going to stay in the struggle until the voice of the people is recognized, and respected. Nearly 70% of the Milwaukee voters can’t be ignored! Thank you Milwaukee for always being at the forefront of change! Si Se Puede!
Our work is not over. We have been notified that the Wisconsin Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments for the Paid Sick Days Ordinance law suit on:
October 1, 2010
2 PM
Washington County Justice Center
432 East Washington StreetWest Bend, WI 53095
We will need YOU to attend this important date. Our strongest tool is showing up in numbers in support of what we voted for! We are most interested in having the people affected by the lack of Paid Sick Days present. Lack of Paid Sick Days affects all of us, but it has most directly affected hospitality workers, food service professionals, CNA’s Medical assistants, parents and those working temporary positions. If this is your position we want to hear from you! We would like to organize as many community members as possible to show up at the court date and be counted as voters that represent the need for Paid Sick Days implementation!
Please contact LaShawndra @ 414.274.0920 or milwaukee@9to5.0rg if you need assistance with transportation, or would like to organize a carpool.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Election Connection 2010
9to5 members are preparing to elevate, educate and agitate around our issues in this year's elections. We do this by sharing our vision of a fair and equitable workplace that supports our ability to care for our families. Paid sick days, expanded family medical leave rights to attend our children's school conferences and job-protected leaves are all very important issues to us.
We talk with people in our community about the importance of ending discrimination in the workplace and ensuring all workers are treated equally and receive equal protection under the law. We share our commitment to achieve pay equity since currently women earn only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes.
We publicize the stories of the most vulnerable families struggling to move out of poverty as we call for access to family-supporting jobs, expanded work supports including affordable health care, child care and the maintenance of safety net programs like food share and unemployment insurance.
This is what we value at 9to5 and we vote our values. We know one of the best ways to make meaningful change is to make our voices heard with decision-makers, policy-makers and candidates of all types over the next several months. In the next few months we will be participating in candidate forums around the city. This is a great opportunity to ask questions, share our position on our important issues and find out who supports what we value.
The first Candidate Forum will take place Thursday, August 10th at Centennial Hall (733 North 8th Street, Milwaukee).
For more information visit
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Reactions to the Arizona Immigration Law
In response to this law, many cities and organizations have called for a boycott of the state of Arizona in the form of an ordinance that would ban public employees from traveling to Arizona on official business until the law is repealed.
Amy Stear, 9to5 Wisconsin Director, wrote to each Milwaukee alderman and alderwoman voicing 9to5's support for a similar boycott in Milwaukee. She wrote, "9to5 has a long history of challenging discrimination in the workplace and we find SB 1070 particularly reprehensible as it harms the entire state of Arizona by purposefully undermining the rights of people of color living or traveling through the state."
Learn more at
Monday, April 5, 2010
2010 Membership Drive
By Sangita Nayak
During this 2010 membership drive, I have been reminded about how there are so many moments to join 9to5. Here are three different ways women have become members so far this drive.
1) While volunteering with 9to5, women joined as a 9to5 member in order to keep our work going. One woman, who volunteered for the first time, filled out the form and paid her membership immediately, so she could help 9to5 financially and demonstrate her investment in our work.
2) One member asked if she could renew online and asked for our website address. In no time flat she had entered the website and paid her membership. Online memberships take little time to complete and few 9to5 resources to process. Join online today at
3) Many members have been successful in recruiting new members, this reminds us that members like giving to members. If you are a member why not ask friends and family if they would like to join your local 9to5 chapter. Every year this is a major way 9to5 Milwaukee grows its membership.
Celebrate 36 years of 9to5 - join today for only $15! As a member of 9to5, you will receive:
- Our quarterly Newsline magazine
- An invitation to 9to5's Annual Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.
- Action alerts on legislation to expand workplace rights and family friendly policies
- Connections to other women activists in Milwaukee and across the country
...not to mention your contribution will help move 9to5 and its issues forward. Join TODAY!